Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Senior Seminar In Psychology_ Supplemental Courses Discussion

Senior Seminar In Psychology_ Supplemental Courses Discussion

Q For credit, create a main post by Creating a Topic with the title of the course in the subject line. Choose and discuss one of the supplemental courses you have taken, i.e, 415 (History and Systems) 451 (Tests and Measures) or any other psychology courses that were not included in previous discussions in this class. Your assignment: 1. Choose one psychology course that is not in previous discussions in this class. 2. Post the course description. Be sure to include the title of the course as some of us might not recognize the class number. 3. Discuss some of the major themes in the course, and what you learned about them. 4. Tell the class what you enjoyed about the course and how this insight/information might be useful to you in your career path.

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The Course named “Psychology of Human Sexuality” has a prerequisite of the Introduction to Psychology 100 course. The course describes the sexual behavior as well as Sexuality as a general topic. It includes the examination of different types of Sexuality, Sexual Behavior etc. The course includes topics from both Psychological and physiological aspects of sexual behavior.